About our company

Rescreen is a product of Looky Technologies SL. We help consumers enable new income sources through our proprietary products; and companies increase revenues and user retention through our white-label solutions.

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White-Label solutions

We provide white-label products for our partners to enable new revenues streams and increase brand loyalty.


We offer our plug in solution to access the top monetization partners in the ad-tech industry.

Machine Learning

We build machine learning algorithms to automate the media buying strategies and optimize the monetization partners.

The story and mission behind our company

We are technology innovators providing consumers with products to enable supplemental income and companies with solutions to unlock revenues, growth and brand loyalty opportunities. We have a strong experience in technology, advertising and app development. After launching several startups in the adtech and mobile app industry, we are now creating the most innovative marketplace for reward-based solutions.

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About - App X Webflow Template